Thursday, January 20, 2011


When I was in high school, my art teacher was a composition freak. We had to keep a sketch book, and he would go through and mark up every little sketch and doodle, noting when there was any lack of total composition, negative and positive. Everything had to take the whole page into consideration. He kind of drove me nuts with this, but I came out of there with a really good sense of composition.... almost to the point of being an obsessive compulsion. I am always arranging everything I see into the perfect composition, and cannot let something go that is not in some way balanced in composition. Now that I am teaching, I am trying to give my students a good sense of composition as well. I am not as militant about it as my teacher, but I stress it's importance. Today we did a still life study in drawing and photographs. I made a lot of shadows to try to get them to consider the shadows and negative space as much as they would consider the objects themselves. I think some are starting to get it.


michael said...

love it... love the shadows and light...

Sandy said...

I would say you learned composition very well. The composition here is so interesting ~ keeps you looking. Light and shadow are fantastic.

Dancingirl said...

Thanks for the lesson and the demonstration! I see how the shadows DO need to be considered. It's very cool how the light plays around in that one shadow, especially.

RedGypsie said...

Ancient Pulsatilla! Old homeopathics! What a find!