Tuesday, December 25, 2007


As has become my tradition, Christmas is the one day a year that I just want to relax. No responsibilities.....nothing. In the past, I have just played all day. Mostly enjoying new Nintendo games and spending time with the kids. This has become a little more difficult as the kids get older. I cannot spend the kind of time with each of them the way I'd like to. It was much easier with a couple young boys, playing Zelda for 20 hours straight. Now I get to do a little bit of many different things. I sat and toyed with my new Itouch quite a bit this year, as well as setting up the awesome TV my parents got us. Fun new gadgets! Anyway, I did take a few pictures, but I am not going to post any. It is my day off. This is one of the problems having a job doing something I love so much. It becomes hard to separate the enjoyable hobby of photography from the job. Any way, Christmas was a good day. I need to extend this vacation a little bit! Can I have a few more days off?
MERRY CHRISTMAS and God bless us, everyone!

1 comment:

Jess said...

Be-lated Merry Christmas Jeff!