Thursday, March 29, 2007


First thing in the morning today, I spent a little time cleaning up the first floor of the carriage house where I do my work. I had a quickie headshot to do today, so I made it somewhat presentable. This has been an on again off again project for me, and it has sat accumulating piles and dust for the past 6 months. Obviously off again. However, I am finding I do enjoy doing "studio" type shots, and the natural light that comes through the windows for the earlier part of the day bounces around the room creating a perfect portrait light.
Keeping up with a five kids and running a business out of the same place poses many dilemmas. The kids enjoy playing in the back yard. To get to the carriage house, you have to go through the back yard. I never wanted the type of home/yard that had to remain so pristine you can't enjoy it. I want my kids to have fun without me constantly being on them to not make a mess, but without a clean space, it is hard to impress clients....This is why I shoot mostly on location, and meet people at Panera. Some day, maybe, I'll finish the yard and cariage house....when the kids are older.

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