Thursday, July 5, 2007


N0, the screen is n0t supp0sed t0 l00k like that, and neither are my 0's
0h, and my peri0d is n0t w0rking either
My third c0mputer decided it just did n0t want t0 w0rk at all t0day, and w0uld n0t turn 0n
isn't that nice!


Jess said...

Oh wow Jeff, computers are not very nice to you. :(

Sandy said...

So sorry, Jeff! If I didn't know better I'd think all your computers got together and decided to go on strike. Hope you get at least one of them working again soon.

LauraLiz said...

Oh,no! I can sympathize, as I am seeing the "beachball of death" routinely now, but at least my computer is not necessary for my business!

Sandie said...

Of course they would all breakdown during your busiest season! Dirk is going through some similar problems right now too. Two of his three computers are not working at all, and the very expensive new monitor he got in January has stopped working! So your shot is timely for us too :)

jayfish said...

uuuummmmm. at least your camera still works? :/

Carol Ann Weaver said...

So sorry. I had trouble this weekend too. Weird. Hope things come together for you. Been praying for wisdom!

Dancingirl said...

Great picture to express your frustration! You have my great sympathy about the computer woes. Hope an answer is made clear soon for you.