Saturday, May 26, 2007

Jennifer & Paul


my15minutes said...

Really nice set.

Sandie said...

Nice lighting. I especailly like the 3rd and the 5th ones. The couple has great smiles.

Sandy said...

Just beautiful. You capture such emotion in your shots. The 3rd and 4th are my favorite. I'm curious about how you do these shoots - do you pick/suggest the location or does the couple? do you give specific suggestions for poses or just an overall idea and just follow their lead?

SUSAN said...

Wow, love them all but especially the black and white by the fence.

Ditto Sandy's question.


Lynette said...

Wow - these are beautiful. Also curious about the posing vs. capturing question. Is the last b/w backlighting?

Anonymous said...


Jeff Reeder said...

Thanks for the compliments. It helps to have a good couple. To answer your questions....I usually ask the couple to think of a place that has meaning to them. Usually everyone an idea, if not I make suggestions. I am very loose with these sessions, and every couple is different. With most shoots, I make suggestions based on light, etc. then just kind of let them go. I find the best shots come about when the couple relaxes, and just interact with each other. Even if it is a little awkward (which it is sometimes when you are walking around with a guy with a camera following you), but usually that ends up helping in the end, because they end up concentrating on each other.
Lynette, the last shot was not back-lit. The light source was behind me (very high though). They are under the shade of a tree, and the background had more direct light. I guess this is why it looks like back lighting.

Anonymous said...

Holy smokes, am I the only one who sees Laura Linney?? Beautiful shots. :)