Saturday, January 27, 2007


Once a year I get to play Tom Hanks. I spent the evening with about 12 8-12 year old boys. Our AWANA group has an annual Father/Son sleep over at the church. We spend some time working with power tools(not my specialty), making pinewood derby cars, and the rest of the time playing(the pictured cushin diving was an early evening event). Only 3 of the Dad's actually stayed, and two of them were asleep by 1:00. This left me playing capture the flag until 4 am. None of the boys went to bed before this. Capture the flag has become a much anticipated tradition. This is the 4th year in a row we have done it, and all the other Dad's basically rely on the fact that I am going to stay up and play with the kids. They say I am the resident insomniac. Fair enough. Capture the flag was one of my favorite games growing up, and it is fun to revert a bit. There is nothing like sneaking around a dark church in the middle of the night. It is quite big, and we use the whole space to play the game. Ahhhh to be 10 again. Jonah and I had a fun night. An extra added bonus to staying up is that the other two Dad's cook breakfast and let me sleep in a bit (9:00)! Now I am back to being the "old man" maybe a nap is in order.


Carol Ann Weaver said...

What fun! Our local Awana had a sleepover last night too. What a coincidence! You are so nice to stay up with those kids!

Unknown said...


iammykidsmama said...

Hey Jeff, it's Sadie. The boys had a great time. Looks like you did, too. :)

Sandie said...

My kids love playing capture the flag and another game they call Romans-Christians which is like a combination of hide and seek and tag. I used to be the parent who stayed up all night playing with the I let others :)

Jess said...

I meant to comment to this earlier but just wanted to say the sleepover sounds like fun - I did that once at our old church, chased 10-14 yr olds all over the building in mostly dark and LOVED it! It's cool that you stick with this.