Saturday, March 20, 2010


Today was our shooting seminar. It was a beautiful day, and perfect for a few hour shooting at Brandywine Battlefield, some tasty sandwiches, Photoshop and Lightroom instruction, and new things for everyone to learn. Here's one of my images. I didn't shoot too much myself, but couldn't resist just a few.
Thanks to everyone who attended.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Family night at the charter school.... not what it looks like.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


So...... I was sick most of the weekend, and tried my best not to leave the couch, but alas I had a portrait session planned for Saturday morning. I am pretty sure my contagious period was well past, so I took some ibuprofen and did my best not to cough on the family I was shooting. I don't think there were any fatalities except the squeeky toy I was holding for a few minutes while trying to get the attention of the youngest little guy.
My tendency is to gravitate towards the shots that happen between the posed shots. Much more telling I think. If this were my family, I would want the straight forward portrait, but those in between laughs are what I would be looking at over and over again.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Today my daughter got to take the day off school and spend the day with me. You wouldn't know from this picture, but the reason for the day off was so that she could get blood drawn. She has been having regular stomach aches, and we are trying to get to the bottom of it. She is such a good sport, and basically laughed all the way through 3 vials of blood.